POPULATION PROFILE Listed below is a population profile for a particular country of the world. The population profile consists of the following elements: 1. Country population in 1965. 2. Country population in 2005 (est.). This population is estimated by projecting the latest known population by recent regional demographic trends. 3. Country population in 2050 if demographic trends continue, no war. This population is estimated by projecting the latest known population by recent demographic trends. It is assumed that no major catastrophes (e.g., global war or disease) occur, and that population growth is not limited by resource constraints (e.g., water, food, energy). This corresponds to a global population of 9.1 billion. 4. Population surviving medium-scale global war (2010). This is the estimated population surviving a global nuclear war occurring in 2010. One thousand cities are targeted in a so-called 'green' attack, in which cities are selected on the basis of the burden that they impose on the planet's biodiversity. Cities with large populations, located in countries having high commerical energy consumptions or high levels of biodiversity, have a high likelihood of being targeted. Globally, 79 percent of the Earth's population would survive. 5. Population surviving large-scale global war (2010). This is the estimated population surviving a global nuclear war occurring in 2010. Every city that has population exceeding 100,000 or is a national capital is targeted (3385 cities). Globally, 70% of the Earth's population would survive. 6. Maximum high-agricultural-productivity population. The population that can be supported by the country's own arable land, assuming that the arable land productivity is high (sufficient to support 10 persons per hectare). This corresponds to a global population of 14.0 billion. 7. Maximum low-agricultural-productivity population. The population that can be supported by the country's own arable land, assuming that the arable land productivity is low (sufficient to support one person per hectare). This corresponds to a global population of 1.40 billion. 8. Maximum solar-energy population, low standard of living. The population that can be supported on solar energy at a low standard of living. This corresponds to a global population of 500 million (population density .35674585 persons per ha of arable land). 9. Maximum solar-energy population, high standard of living. The population that can be supported on solar energy at a high standard of living. This corresponds to a global population of 5 million (population density .0035674585 persons per ha of arable land). 10. Sustainable primitive-agricultural population. The population that can be supported by pre-industrial agriculture, corresponding to a global population of 300 million(population density .21404751 persons per ha of arable land). 11. Sustainable hunter-gatherer population. The population that can be supported by hunting and gathering, corresponding to a global population of five million (population density .0035674585 persons per ha of arable land). 12. Minimal-regret population. A global population consisting of a single-nation industrial population of five million and a globally distributed hunter-gatherer population of five million. Source: Joseph George Caldwell, based on World Bank and UN data. Downloaded from Internet web site http://www.foundationwebsite.org . For information on methodology, see the book, Can America Survive? at that web site. Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 Joseph George Caldwell. All rights reserved. May be copied for personal and noncommercial use. Monday, Dec 5, 2005 10:02:46 AM POPULATION PROFILE Country: CANADA Population in 1965: 19678000. Population in 2005 (est.): 31993775. Population in 2050 if demographic trends continue, no war: 41792161. Population surviving medium-scale global war (2010): 12478766. Population surviving large-scale global war (2010): 9112842. Maximum high-agricultural-productivity population: 457400000. Maximum low-agricultural-productivity population: 45740000. Maximum solar-energy population, low level of living: 16317555. Maximum solar-energy population, high level of living: 163176. Sustainable primitive-agricultural population: 9790533. Sustainable hunter-gatherer population: 163176. Minimal-regret population: 163176.