Miscellany 63: Reasons Why US Immigration Should Be Stopped

Copyright © 2019 Joseph George Caldwell.  All rights reserved.  Posted at Internet website http://www.foundationwebsite.org.  May be copied or reposted for non-commercial use, with attribution to author and website.  (4 July 2019)

Miscellany: Commentary on Recent Events and Reading

Why US Immigration Should Be Stopped

Immigration to the United States (whether legal or illegal) should be terminated, for the following reasons:

1.  Mass immigration to the US from poor countries increases global warming.  Most immigrants, who are from poor countries, will use ten to one-hundred times more energy while living in the US, compared to living in their former countries.  The use of energy is a major cause of global warming and environmental destruction.  Keeping would-be immigrants out of the US is beneficial to the environment, and helps slow global warming.

2.  Population growth is destroying the natural environment.  It has been estimated that for each person added to the US population, an acre of natural land is destroyed (by conversion into homes, roads, parking lots, stores, factories, schools, hospitals, and government facilities.  Stopping immigration will slow the destruction of US natural land.  About 1970, the US had “replacement-level” population of about 210 million.  Without immigration, the US population would still be 210 million.  With mass immigration, and the high birth rates of immigrants, the US population has exploded to 330 million people today.  It is growing at an astronomical rate of about .7 percent, every year (over two million people per year).  Most countries impose severe restrictions on immigration.  The US does not, and is rapidly destroying its natural heritage. Since 1970, the US has seen the destruction of about one hundred million acres of natural land, from immigration-based population growth.

3.  Population growth is destroying the quality of life.  As US population grows, the quality of life has deteriorated substantially, from crowding.  Automobile congestion is terrible.  Waiting times for space in national camps are extremely long.  The price of housing is very high.  Reasonable access to natural settings is vanishing.  Stress from crowding is causing ill health and unhappiness.

4.  Many would-be immigrants are seeking to escape poverty and violence.  These conditions are not grounds for asylum, yet many would-be immigrants base claims for asylum on them, and cause a massive expenditure of social and legal resources to process their baseless asylum claims.

5.  Immigration to the US enables the perpetuation of bad conditions in immigrants’ home countries.  By fleeing their countries, instead of working to improve conditions in them, immigrants’ fleeing to the US perpetuates the situation in their home countries.  When the American colonies did not like the conditions imposed by Britain, they rebelled, overthrew their previous masters, and formed a new government.  Most would-be immigrants are not willing to take the steps necessary to bring meaningful change to their countries.  They are willing to flee, to occupy US space, and to crowd US citizens, but they are unwilling to work for change in their home countries.  They are unwilling to make the hard choices and take the hard steps that the founders of America did to improve their condition.  In this respect, most would-be immigrants to the US are undeserving of acceptance into the US.

6.  Immigrants are killing US citizens.  Unless it is assumed that immigrants commit no crime and have no accidents, their presence results in the killing of some US citizens.  Immigrant-caused deaths would not have occurred had the immigrants not arrived.  Not a single death, whether accidental or intentional, caused by an immigrant, need have occurred.

7.  Mass immigration is weakening US culture.  US culture produced one of the strongest, most vibrant, countries in the world.  Most immigrants are from poor countries, ostensibly the result of weak, feckless cultures.  Mass immigration from weak, feckless cultures is diluting US culture, and contributing to the decline and fall of the United States.

8.  The current immigrant invasion of the US is undermining the rule of law.  Under the US Constitution, the President takes a vow to protect the states from invasion.  No US president since Dwight Eisenhower has kept this vow.  The country has been invaded by immigrants for a long time.  All of the presidents since Eisenhower are traitors to the country.  Their continued flagrant disregard for the law, and the acquiescence of their treason by the Congress, shows a blatant disregard and disrespect for the law, and undermines the rule of law.



FndTitle(Miscellany 63: Reasons Why US Immigration Should Be Stopped)

FndDescription(Miscellany 63: Reasons Why US Immigration Should Be Stopped)

FndKeywords(reasons to stop mass immigration)