
Internet website, updated 23 October 2020.  Books and articles on Planetary Management and other topics from Tucson, Arizona.  Copyright © 1999-2020 Joseph George Caldwell.  All rights reserved.

Spirituality and New Age

New Age / Spirituality / Mysticism / Prophecy / Eschatology (End Times); chronological

How I Came to Know Rudolf Steiner.  A human-interest story (of possible interest to those who have tried to meditate, without much apparent success).  (26 October 2002, corrected 5 November 2002.)

The New Age Society of Solitaire, Namibia  (6 June 2003.)

The Foundation New Age Calendar  An article describing a simplified calendar to replace the Gregorian calendar in current use. (1 March 2004, revised 13 March 2004.)


The Good Life  The good life is one inspired by desire, guided by love, and facilitated (enabled) by knowledge.  My views versus those of Bertrand Russell.  (17 October 2004.)

Earth Is God's Dime Novel  Personal observations on metaphysics.  (28 November 2004, updated 11 December 2004.)

On Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Agharta, Shambhala, Vril and the Occult Roots of Nazi Power  A discussion of some aspects of metaphysics.  (31 December 2004.)

The Battle for Earth (Outline): The Good-Evil Index; The Amazing Feature of the Good-Evil Index; The Many Concurrent Battles to Take Over Earth; Alien Invasion; Global Industrialization; Christianity and Islam; Judaism; The Illuminati; The Great White Brotherhood / Universal Brotherhood; Foundation  A discussion of forces at work that affect the quality of human life on Planet Earth.  (13 January 2005.)

The Alien Invasion of Earth: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs, “Flying Saucers”), Alien Abductions, Crop Circles, and More  Musings on unexplained phenomena.  (16 March 2005, updated 28 March 2005.)

On Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, and The New Revelations.  A comparison of Walsch's views to my own.  Discussion of moral relativism.  (12 April 2003, updated 28 April 2003.)  (This article focuses on Walsch's views relative to the current planetary environmental crisis.  It is not a general criticism of Neale Donald Walsch's views.)

The Last Popes: St. Malachy's prophecies concerning the End of the Age (22 April 2005.)  In the year 1139, St. Malachy predicted that there would be only two popes after John Paul II.  These would be Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the current Pope.

The Alien Invasion of Earth: Strategy for Planetary Conquest (1 May 2005.)

Newton Vindicated: Sir Isaac Newton and Einstein's Theory of Relativity (1 May 2005.) 

Contrary to widespread belief, Newton's laws of motion are not contradicted by Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. Newton never made the statement that force equals mass times acceleration. His Second Law says F = d(mv)/dt, and Newton was far too cautious a man to take the m out of the bracket.

The War of the World: The End Game (27 May 2005, updated 3 June 2005.)

The Church of Nature

Founded August 17, 2000 at Solitaire, Namibia

Theology: Natural theology.

Mission: To save the world’s biodiversity. To prepare for a world human population of ten million people. To develop a human society/culture that can live in harmony with nature.

Organization and Program: A “matrix” organization consisting of autonomous local units.

Church of Nature description.

Tree of Direction

Tree of Inspiration