
Internet website, updated 6 August 2022.  Books and articles on Planetary Management and other topics from Tucson, Arizona.  Copyright © 1999-2022 Joseph George Caldwell.  All rights reserved.

A New Health-Care System for America

A New Health-Care System for America: Free Basic Health Care  The United States health-care system is a disaster. This paper describes a new approach to delivery of health-care services, which will cost a fraction of the current amount and deliver more appropriate care. Specifically, I propose to move away from a national health-care system based on insurance, and establish a national health-care system based on the provision of free basic health care through neighborhood clinics and regional hospitals.  (17 July 2017)

A New Health-Care System for America Slide presentation.

The High Cost of Medical Care in the United States: Personal Examples  This note presents a few examples of health care cost from my personal experience.  These examples serve to illustrate further, rather dramatically, the very high cost of US medical care, both relative to the actual cost of treatment and compared to the cost of treatment in other countries.  Since they represent a self-selected sample of one, they are of little value as indicators of the overall state of the US health-care system, but they are nonetheless interesting as anecdotes reflecting the absurdly high cost of US health care.  Statistics about the cost of medical care are rather “dry,” and some personal background is provided for each of the examples, to make them more interesting.  (19 December 2020)

The Horrors of Dialysis  This note describes the horrors of kidney dialysis, based on the personal experience of my late wife.  (6 August 2022)